Almost everyone has a favorite song. Some enjoy classical, rock, hip hop, country, jazz, alternative, folk, R&B or indie music. Whatever your favorite style of music may be, Space City Audiology's Sounds of Saturn (Musician's Hearing Healthcare Clinic) is here to help you continue to enjoy what you love.
Here are some Pro Tips for musicians:
Pro Tip #1: Wear Hearing Protection. Now, I know this is not always the most popular recommendation, however, it can be very important to your hearing health. Are you regularly exposed to loud sounds whether while practicing an instrument, at a concert, or while editing and mixing music in a studio? If so, consider throwing on a pair of hearing protection. There are several options of hearing protection that include both custom and non-custom styles. Non-custom high-fidelity hearing protection should work well for individuals that are looking for a temporary, low-cost hearing protection option. For those that may need more long-term hearing protection, custom high-fidelity hearing protection may be a great option for you. While they are more expensive than the non-custom alternative (about $175 compared to $20), this option will last longer and will provide a more secure and comfortable fit.

Pro Tip #2: Annual Hearing Testing. Yes. That's right. It is recommended that musicians have their hearing tested about once a year to keep an eye on your hearing. If you do not feel like you have hearing loss, it is still recommended to have your hearing tested annually to properly monitor your hearing as a musician. It's better to be safe than sorry! Show some love to your ears and have them tested annually. #loveyourears
"Show some love to your ears and have them tested annually."
Pro Tip #3: Accountability. Find a musician friend who will agree to safe listening habits, set some goals (ex. wear hearing protection, turn down the volume ever so slightly, annual hearing testing, etc.), and keep one another accountable. There is strength in numbers. Sometimes, having another person to accomplish goals with adds motivation and increases the likelihood of completing the task at hand. Just like having other musicians around is important to learn and grow musically from, it's important to have an accountability partner for your hearing heath's sake. You could call one another ear bud(die)s. #earbuds

Hearing health is important for everyone, especially musicians. That is why we exist, to monitor and care for your hearing so that you can keep doing what you love. Space City Audiology's Sounds of Saturn Musician's Hearing Healthcare Clinic is YOUR destination for hearing healthcare. Call and schedule an appointment with our audiologist today for your first annual hearing test. Be sure to mention that you are part of the Sounds of Saturn musician community to ensure that you are scheduled properly. We look forward to meeting you!
Sounds of Saturn
A division of Space City Audiology PLLC
Your destination for hearing healthcare